PTs' Bidworks2017 is starting up, please be patient while a LOT of Hastus Bidding Data is Loaded…
**** Loading Selected Schedules *****
Hastus Schedule Bids for the 24DEC ShakeUp
(Work Assignment Availability)
*** Signing for Vacation is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for Extra Board is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for Shuttle is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for Trolley is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'BLK' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'REVBLK' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'SSOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'FSOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'SMOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'MTOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'TFOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'WTOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
*** Signing for 'TWOFF' Roster is over for the 24DEC Booking ***
Click to Update Hastus Schedule Information
The Bid Process has completed for the '24DEC' shakeup... Please return around 2/25/2025 to check upon the availablity of the 25MAR shakeup...
Updating Hastus Assignment Availability Data…
Review and submit your Current Assignment Selections
Your Assignment selections are limited to 1 primary and 9 alternates. If you have selected more, please edit your selections to this limit prior to submitting for review!
The listed Assignments below are only part of the selection process...
Nothing is Offical until your Assignment has been recorded into Hastus!
You have to submit your selection of Assignments And...
You have to have been approved to operate these Assignments And...
You have signed that these are your Assignments And Finally,
The first available assignment on your list is recorded into Hastus...
Email Assignment Listing To Yourself!
Processing your List to Email…
Your Currently Selected Assignments
Employee ID
Day(s) Worked
No data to display
Print Assignment Listing
Processing Your List to Print…
Optional Employee Information
If you wish to record your selection(s), Please provide your Employee ID #.
Employee ID #:
Provide the following to have them included on your "ShakeUp Bid Choices Form" when it is printed/emailed!
Employee Name:
Employee Mailbox #:
Store for Immediate Use, Only
To Recieve an Emailed Copy of your "ShakeUp Bid Choices Form"
The program will not send EMail to a Pierce Transit Address!
Email Address:
Store Email Address for Immediate use, Only!